Get The IUD Facts

Whether you've been considering an IUD for a while, or you're just starting to dig into it, here are some of the most important things to know.

IUD is a form of Birth Control

Let's start with the basics. IUD is a short name for intrauterine device. It is a small (dimensions) T-shaped device made primarily of (either plastic or copper). It is inserted (non-surgically) by your health practitioner (doctor or nurse) into your uterus. The process only takes a few minutes. Some IUDs will release a very small amount of hormones which help prevent pregnancy.

How long does it last?

One of the amazing benefits of an IUD is that it can last for up to five years. When it expires, you can get a new one. It remains inserted in your uterus, which, when compared to taking a birth controll pill, removes the need to 'remember' to take your pill every day; where forgetting can lead to unwanted pregnancy. It is not a permanent form of birth control. Once it is removed, it is only a short while before you could expect to conceive, if that is your plan.

Can I put it in myself?

Definitely not. An improperly inserted IUD may not work, and can be dangerous to your health. Nurses and doctors receive special training on properly inserting an IUD. It is best to consult with your personal physician.

What are the popular brand name IUDs?

Mirena IUD

Mirena IUD
The Mirena IUD is a white T-shaped plastic frame which contains a hormone that is released slowly and continuously. This hormone (levonorgestrol) is a progestin much like the progesterone produced by the ovaries. There is no estrogen in the Mirena IUD. It thickens cervical mucus so sperm cannot reach the egg and it also thins the lining of the uterus. The majority of users continue to ovulate. The Mirena IUD can be used effectively for any duration of time up to 5 years. It can be removed and replaced at the five year mark if someone continues to wish using this method. The average effective hormone level in the blood is 20 mcg which is considerably lower than that of the birth control pill.

Talk to us about getting Mirena IUD at an affordable price.

Kyleena IUD

Kyleena IUD
The Kyleena IUD is a white T-shaped plastic frame (the frame is smaller than the Mirena) which contains a hormone that is released slowly and continuously. This hormone (levonorgestrol) is a progestin much like the progesterone produced by the ovaries. There is no estrogen in the Kyleena IUD. It thickens cervical mucus so sperm cannot reach the egg and it also thins the lining of the uterus. The majority of users continue to ovulate. The Kyleena IUD is effective for any duration of time up to 5 years. The average effective hormone level in the blood is 12 mcg which is considerably lower than that of the birth control pill.

Talk to us about getting Kyleena IUD at an affordable price.

Are there any additional benefits when using an IUD?

IUDs can also help with painful or heavy periods, while it is inserted.

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